

This program is part of QDYN.

Look for CONFIGFILE inside RUNFOLDER (or file "config" if no CONFIGFILE
is given). Save each operator of the dynamical generator defined in the
config file in a text file to the RUNFOLDER.
Grid operators are saved in ham_ops.EXT;
Hamiltonian matrices are saved in op_matrix1.EXT, op_matrix2.EXT, ...;
Lindblad operators are saved in lindblad_op1.EXT, lindblad_op2.EXT, ...;
dissipators are saved in dissipator1.EXT, dissipator2.EXT, ...
The file extension EXT is "dat", unless overridden in the options.

Additionally calculate the eigensystem of the Hamiltonian at the given
pulse index and save eigenvalues and/or eigenstates in text files. If
pulse index (--pulse-val-i) is given, it is obtained from the
eigensystem section of the config file. If this is also not present,
diagonalize the field free Hamiltonian. By default, only the real part
of the Hamiltonian is diagonalized, unless --complex-diag is given.
Note that Lindblad operators and dissipators are not considered in the


-h, --help          Print this help message and exit.
--show-matrices     Additionally print matrices to screen.
--write-eigenvalues Diagonalize the Hamiltonian and save eigenvalues in
                    a text file.
--write-eigenstates Diagonalize the Hamiltonian and save eigenstates as
                    a text file. The number of states to write can be
                    controlled with --from_eigenstate and
                    --to-eigenstate. --eigenstate-coord controls which
                    dimension of the eigenstates is written.
--from-eigenstate   First eigenstate to save in text file.
--to-eigenstate     Last eigenstate to save in text file. If not given,
                    save all eigenstates.
--eigenstate-coord  Spatial dimension of the eigenstate to save. If not
                    given, save the first dimension.
--pulse-val-i       Pulse index, at which to diagonalize. If not given,
                    the pulse index is obtained from the eigensystem
                    section of the config file. If this is also not
                    present, diagonalize the field-free Hamiltonian.
--complex-diag      Perform a complex diagonalisation.
--extension=EXT     Use EXT as extension for the output files.