

This program is part of QDYN.

Look for CONFIGFILE inside RUNFOLDER (or file "config" if no CONFIGFILE
is given). Initialize a system (dynamical generator, pulses, grid) from
the CONFIGFILE (using the default, empty label). Construct a set of
optimization targets based on the command line option, and further
information in CONFIGFILE, and optimize all pulses towards these


-h, --help           Print this help message and exit.
-v, --version        Print version information and exit
--config=CONFIGFILE  Name of the config file inside RUNFOLDER. Defaults
                     to "config"
--debug              Write para.debug, grid.debug, gen.debug,
                     and targets.debug, containing ASCII dumps of the
                     config file data, the spatial grid, the (first)
                     dynamical generator, and the optimization targets.
                     The files are written in the RUNFOLDER.
                     Specify a file containing conversion factors
                     between internal units and physical units. See
                     "Notes on the Units Systems" in the QDYN
                     documentation for details. The file must be located
                     in the current working directory, in the directory
                     specified by the QDYN_UNITS environment variable,
                     or the QDYN installation directory.
--J_T=J_T_NAME       Name of the optimization functional to be used.
                     Possible values are "J_T_re" (default,
                     phase-sensitive), "J_T_sm" (up to global phase),
                     "J_T_ss" (phase-insensitive), "J_T_LI" (local
                     invariants), and "J_T_PE" (perfect entangler)
                     If doing a state-to-state optimization, a
                     comma-separated list of labels for states in
                     the config file. That is, a `psi` section with
                     `label=<label>` must exist for every label in the
                     list. This option must be given together with the
                     --target-states option
                     If doing a state-to-state optimization, a
                     comma-separated list of labels for the target
                     states of the optimization. The number of labels
                     must match those given by the --initial-states
                     If doing the optimization of a unitary gate, a
                     comma-separated list of labels for states in the
                     config file that define the canonical basis on
                     which the gate should be applied. This option must
                     be given together with the --gate option, unless
                     the perfect-entanglers functional is used
--gate=GATE_FILE     If doing the optimization of a unitary gate, name
                     of the file from which the desired gate can be
                     read. The file must contain two columns (real and
                     imaginary part) and given the vectorized gate
                     matrix in column-major mode. This must be given
                     together with --basis unless `--J_T=J_T_PE` is used
                     If the Hamiltonian and the pulses are set up in a
                     rotating frame, but the targets (e.g. the desired
                     quantum gate) are defined in the lab frame, the
                     optimization needs to take this into account. The
                     --rwa-vector option specifies a file containing
                     a vector (the diagonal entries of the RWA
                     transformation matrix) that defines the conversion
                     between the rotating frame and the lab frame
--rho                Perform the optimization in Liouville space. For a
                     state-to-state optimization, the initial and target
                     states are the pure-state density matrices of
                     the original wave functions. For a gate
                     optimization, a special set of density matrices is
                     constructed as the initial states, according to
                     the --lv-states-set setting.
--lv-states-set=SET  Identifier of which states should be propagated to
                     support the optimization of a unitary gate in
                     Liouville space. Values for SET are "3states"
                     (default), "full", "d+1", and "2d"
                     If using a local-invariants-based functional
                     (--J_T=J_T_LI, --J_T=J_T_PE) for a system in which
                     the logical subspace is embedded in a larger
                     Hilbert space, 0 <= UNITARITY_WEIGHT < 1 is a
                     weight for an additional term in the functional
                     that minimized loss from the logical subspace.
                     By default, all targets are weighted equally.
                     Alternatively, WEIGHTS can be a comma-separated
                     list of (relative) weights between the targets. A
                     weight must be given for each target (i.e., the
                     dimension of the gate for a gate dimension, or the
                     number of initial states in a state-to-state
                     optimization). Weighting the targets should
                     generally only be used in conjunction with
--n-trajs=N          Number of MCWF trajectories to propagate. This
                     increases the number of targets by a factor of N
--seed=SEED          Seed for the random number generator if using MCWF
                     Write the final states, propagated with the
                     optimized pulse, to STATESFILE (in indexed format),
                     as STATESFILE.<N>, where <N> is the target index.
                     For a state-to-state propagation, this is the
                     result of propagating the respective initial
                     states, for a gate optimization, it is the result
                     of propagating the basis states (the Bell basis
                     if using an optimization functional based on local
                     invariants). The written states are always in the
                     lab frame.
                     If doing a gate optimization (--gate option), the
                     gate implemented under the dynamics of the
                     optimized pulses. The gate is always given in the
                     lab frame and in the canonical basis (i.e., not the
                     Bell basis even if using a local-invariants-based
                     functional. If using ensemble optimization or MCWF
                     trajectories, only the gate from the "main"
                     Hamiltonian / the first trajectory realization is
                     Comma-separated list of config file labels for
                     *additional* dynamic generators (usually
                     Hamiltonians). The optimization will be performed
                     for an ensemble that consists of the original
                     dynamic generator (empty label), plus a dynamic
                     generator initialized for each label in
                     ENSEMBLE_GEN_LABELS. The ensemble Hamiltonians must
                     reference the same pulses as the original
                     Hamiltonian. The total number of targets increases
                     by the factor of the total number of ensemble


Optimization can be for (multiple) state-to-state transitions, or a
unitary gate.

For the former, --initial-states and --target-states must be specified.
If the optimization is done in Hilbert-space, --J_T=J_T_ss is an
appropriate choice of functional (relative phase between all targets is
ignored), but J_T_re or J_T_sm may also be appropriate if the relative
of global phase is important. For dissipative dynamics (--rho option),
the transition between the corresponding pure-state density matrices is
optimized. In this case --J_T=J_T_re should be used (it is equivalent
to J_T_sm, but numerically more stable.

For gate optimization, the optimization is characterized by specifying
the logical basis states must be specified (--basis) and the unitary
gate with respect to that basis (--gate). For unitary dynamics, The
functional should be "--J_T=J_T_sm", or "J_T_re" if the global phase is
important.  Alternatively, "--J_T=J_T_LI" optimizes towards the local
invariants of the specified gates. Optimization towards a general
perfect entangler ("--J_T=J_T_PE") is a special case, in which the
--gate should not be given. If the dynamics are dissipative (--rho),
the number of targets and the state that is propagated in each target
depends on the value of the --lv-states-set option. For the default,
"--lv-states-set=3states", the optimization is expressed through three
targets (independent of the dimension of the gate). The values "full",
"d+1", and "2d" propagate d^2, d+1, and 2d states respectively, where d
is the dimension of the gate. See [New J. Phys. 16, 055012 (2014)] for
details.  Using more states may lead to faster convergence. It can be
useful to use the --target-weights option to give different weights to
the individual states, according to their physical interpretation.
Specifically, by specifying a zero weight, a target may be dropped from
the optimization (e.g., the first state for in "--lv-states-set=3states"
if the Hamiltonian only allows for diagonal gates). It is strongly
recommended to use the "--J_T=J_T_PE" functional when optimizing for a
unitary gate in Liouville space.

There are two ways in which multiple "copies" of the system defined
as either a state-to-state or gate optimization may be optimized
simultaneously. The first is an ensemble optimization, where the same
system is optimized under a set of different Hamiltonians (with small
variations). This is set up using the --ensemble-gens option. This works
equally for dissipative and non-dissipative dynamics. Secondly, we may
optimize over multiple MCWF (quantum jump trajectories). In this case,
the optimization runs over several identical copies of the normal
targets, but in each copy, the dynamics are independently randomized
to account for quantum noise. Note that in this case, the dynamics are
modeled in Hilbert space (i.e., the --rho option must not be given). The
dissipators and use of MCWF propagation is set up in the CONFIGFILE. For
reproducibility, the random number generator my be initialized via
--seed. In principle (to the extent that is is numerically feasible,
both ensemble optimization and MCWF trajectories can be combined.

Most options may also be set in the config file as use-defined values.
The corresponding keyname replaces dashes with underscores. That is,
instead of specifying "--lv-states-set=3states" as a command line
option, the value "lv_states_set = 3states" may be added to the
"user_strings" section of the CONFIGFILE. Any filenames in this case
ase are relative to the CONFIGFILE, not the current working directory.