Wavepacket Transport on a Moving Grid

This example illustrates the use of the qdyn library to apply optimal control algorithms with moving grids in both coordinate and momentum space. We optimize the transport of a wavepacket, such that the final state is the same the initial state, only displaced along \(x\).

result animation

result animation

Running the Example

To compile the example, you should just run make, assuming that the qdyn library is installed.

To run the example, simply run oct_movgrid.

If you want to compile a visualization of the results, you can run visoutput ./, which will compile a pdf consisting of animation frames. You can also compile an avi movie using visoutput --avi ./ if ffmpeg is installed. Here is the usage information for visoutput.

Usage: visoutput [options] INPUT OUTPUT

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NFRAMES, --nframes=NFRAMES
                        number of frames to make [default 100]
  -t NTHREADS, --nthreads=NTHREADS
                        number of threads to use [default 1]
  -g, --goal            show the goal wavefunction
  -p, --potential       show the potential in x-space
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        The output format. Can be 'pdf' (the default), 'avi',
                        or 'png'


A harmonic oscillator eigenstate is centered at \(x = 0\), and five harmonic potentials are defined with their minima equidistant along the interval [0:10], so that the \(i\)-th potential can be written as

\[U_i(x, t) = \varepsilon_i(t) (x - x_i)^2\,,\qquad i = 1, \dots, 5,\]

where \(x_i = (i - 1)5/2\) and \(\varepsilon_i(t)\) is the pulse associated with the potential. The potential at any time \(t\) is just the sum of these:

\[U(x,t) = \sum_{i=1}^5 U_i(x, t)\,.\]

The goal is to transfer the wavepacket from its initial position at \(x = 0\) to the goal position at \(x = 10\). At the initial time, the wavefunction is the ground state of the harmonic oscillator \(U_1(x, 0)\), and the goal wavefunction is the ground state of the harmonic oscillator \(U_5(x, T)\), where \(T = 10\) is the final time. This can be seen in the following figure.



The initial guess for the controls \(\varepsilon_i(t)\) is simply a gaussian for each, such that the maximum of the gaussian is attained for the \(i\)th pulse at time \(t_i = (i - 1)5/2\). This is shown in the figure below.

initial pulses

initial pulses

We see that at the initial time \(t=0\) only the first pulse \(\varepsilon_1\) is ‘on’, with all others set to zero. Hence \(U(x,0) = U_1(x,0)\). Similarly, at the final time \(T = 10\), only the final pulse \(\varepsilon_5\) is ‘on’, such that \(U(x,T) = U_5(x,T)\). In order to fix these boundary conditions during transport, we set the shape function of the pulses to a flat-top function, which is shown below.

oct shape

oct shape