The Testing Framework

Testing of QDYN leverages the Python-based pytest framework. Thus, all tests are Python functions that reside in any file ./tests/test_*.py. See the pytest documentation for the full details on how to write tests. You may use the full scientific Python stack (numpy, scipy, sympy, matplotlib, pandas) and the qdyn Python package, see ./configure --help for details.

The entire test suite runs by invoking

make test

This makes the appropriate calls to pytest to run the tests found in the ./tests subfolder (for the QDYN Fortran library) as well as in ./qdynpylib/tests for the QDYN-pylib library. See QDYN-pylib’s notes on Testing for testing QDYN-pylib specifically. See also How to run individual tests for running a subset of the full QDYN test-suite.

While the tests are written in Python (“test function”), they will generally rely on compiled programs that calls QDYN routines (“test program”). That is, a typical test may generate some input data in Python, then call a compiled (Fortran-) program to operate on that input data, and lastly process the output from the compiled program to determine whether the test was successful.

The test programs should run as a single process and single thread. This is because pytest will run test functions in parallel, utilizing all system cores. Any test function that specifically tests the parallelization within QDYN must be marked with the @pytest.mark.multicore decorator. Such test functions will be run separately and serially, under the assumption that they use multiple processes or threads internally.

The compiled test programs are also organized inside the ./tests folder. While you can organize these programs any way you like, the recommend system is to put them in subfolders corresponding roughly to the Fortran module that they test.

It is very common that the entire functionality of a test is entirely in the compiled test program. In such a case, the corresponding test function can be defined using a simple wrapper function in ./tests/ The wrapper checks the output of the test program for the string PASSED TEST. Thus, if your programs don’t require any pre- and post-processing, you should write them in such a way that they print PASSED TEST, and then add them to the list of tests (TESTS) in ./tests/

The test programs are compiled by make tests (which is called as part of make test). Any Makefile inside the ./tests folder is picked up and processed automatically.

How to write Makefiles for Tests

As previously stated, the tests are completely freeform, meaning that you can write the Makefile for your test however you like, with one exceptions – the clean target must be defined, since the main Makefile will look for this when you call make clean (or make test-clean).

Almost all test Makefiles actually look almost identical to each other, and so to make writing the Makefiles even easier, there is a makefile ./tests/ which can (and should) be included to handle the common part of all test Makefiles. It contains the rules for building your test programs, and also a standard cleaning routine. To use, we only need to include it in our Makefile. When you use, it will look for a special variable named TESTS, where one can simply write the names of all the source files that need to be compiled. For example, lets say in a test folder we have two programs, mytest1 and mytest2 that should be compiled from two source files mytest1.f90 and mystest2.f90. Our Makefile in that case is a simple as

TESTS = mytest1 mytest2
QDYNPATH = ../../
include ../
clean: clean-auto

We still need the clean target, but now we can simply point it to a target called clean-auto, which removes all *.o, *.mod, *.dat and *.out files, as well as the test programs themselves. You can always add your own custom clean functions underneath.

The QDYNPATHshould point to the root folder of the library.

It is strongly recommended that you use this simple form for any tests.

For plenty of examples, check the ./tests folder.

How to run individual tests

During development, it can be useful to run only a particular test or particular subset of tests instead of the entire test suite. To do this, you must invoke pytest directly, instead of make test. Assuming you are using the ./venv conda environment that the Supported Fortran Compilers script sets up by default, you can run, e.g.,

./venv/bin/pytest tests/

to run only the tests defined in tests/ See Specifying which tests to run in the pytest documentation for details.


You still have to run make tests and make utils before calling pytest in order to compile all the required Fortran code.

In order to run only a subset of the tests defined in a single file, the recommended approach is to use custom markers. You can add as a decorator for a particular test function. The marked tests can then be run by invoking pytest as, e.g.,

./venv/bin/pytest -m xxx tests

For example, if you wanted to run only test_state_to_state defined inside ./tests/, you would prepend the decorator to the definition of the test function:
def test_state_to_state(tmpdir, request, state_to_state_model, qdyn_optimize):
    # ...

Setting marks is particularly important for ./tests/ which contains all the tests that are entirely written in Fortran and thus a large percentage of the entire test suite. There, setting the xxx mark is slightly more cumbersome. This is because the actual tests are defined in the TESTS array instead of an individual test-function. In order to decorate one particular test, e.g. the one described by the line

# ...
('./hamtests',          ['./h_psi', 'ca_diffmap_run']),
# ...

you would have to change that line to

# ...
 './hamtests',          ['./h_psi', 'ca_diffmap_run'],,
# ...

Note that xxx marks must not be committed to the main branch: they are intended to be temporary, for debugging only.